About Me

Good day

I’m Jon, the creator of Pair This With That.


Why did I start this podcast/blog? I’m just like you. I’m not a sommelier. I’m not a chef. I’m just your everyday wine lover whose thirst (no pun intended) for more knowledge has taken me on a wine and food education spanning 15 years.

I’ve been a curious, casual student of wine – discovering new varietals, falling in love with their unique aromas and flavors – and conducting trial-and-error food pairings with different dishes.

As my knowledge grew, I became that guy – the one friends and family go to for recommendations: What wine to serve with dinner; what to look for when shopping for wine at the local boutique; what dish to make to go with that bottle of Chardonnay they got as a gift for Christmas last year.


I won’t lie – I like being that guy. It feels good to know that the little increments of time I’ve put in have translated into a wine education that can benefit friends and family. 

Don’t we all love being that person? Especially for something that brings so much flavor and joy to our lives?

Don’t we all love being that person? Especially for something that brings so much flavor and joy to our lives?

I really love it. I created Pair This With That because I wanted to share what I’ve learned about with even more people. And because I’m always learning something new about wine and food and how to pair them, I wanted to bring others along on my lifelong educational journey.

What foods go well with Pinot Noir? What’s the best wine to pair with salmon, chicken, or brisket?

If you’re like me and want a casual, pressure-free forum to learn more about wine and food pairing, then I invite you to join me on my path of discovery.
